global warming
Children’s books can do more to inspire the new generation of Earth warriors
Gary Haq, The Conversation
Earth Day: What if the planet decided to take revenge and started treating us the way we treat it?
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With higher temperatures and lower water reserves, India is staring at a summer of crises
Soumya Sarkar
Lessons from Hurricane Harvey: Planners will have to make room for nature while designing cities
Daniel Grossman
Extreme rainfall events in India are linked to man-made emissions, finds study
Dinesh C Sharma
Counting down to ‘Day Zero’: Like Cape Town, many Indian cities are fast running out of water
Mohammad Faiz Alam
If sea levels rise by 1 metre, Tamil Nadu losses could be worth half its current economy, says study
Vinita Govindarajan
2017 was the fourth straight hottest year recorded in India, says Meteorological Department
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It’s already too late to reverse some of the impacts of climate change, say scientists
Mike Gaworecki
‘We could use a little bit of global warming’: Donald Trump’s solution for bitter cold in the US
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Watch: This apocalyptic, punk news broadcast features everything that’s wrong with the world
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Nine countries agree to ban commercial fishing in the melting Arctic
This winter will be colder than the one in 2016, says India Meteorological Department
Watch: Pharrell Williams has recorded a new song, but none of us will ever hear it
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Bonn climate talks end as developing countries fight the odds to keep their hopes alive
Nitin Sethi
Glacial melting will flood Mangaluru more than Mumbai, shows new Nasa sea level predictor
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Government actions helped India limit growth in carbon emissions this year, says report
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Earth will become a sizzling fireball by 2600 AD, warns Stephen Hawking
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Fiji, presiding over Bonn climate talks, defers assessment of rich countries’ current commitments
Nitin Sethi Kumar Sambhav Shrivastava
Concentration of carbon dioxide was its highest in 2016, says World Meteorological Organization
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